Personal Health & Safety guide

Your health matters...

In the wake of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa has developed a stringent international-standard health and safety protocol for ensuring our guests’ wellbeing.

Although bottled water is provided throughout the hotel, tap (faucet) water is safe to drink in Cape Town. Medical facilities in Cape Town are world-class, with an excellent network of both state and private hospitals available. Please contact our concierge desk if you require any medical assistance. Please be mindful of the intense African sun and ensure you wear both high-SPF sunscreen, and a hat, when outdoors during the daytime. Don’t let sunburn spoil your holiday!

Protea Illustration

Before you travel

Cape Town is not in a malaria area and no inoculations are required to enter South Africa. However, if you are travelling from an area where yellow fever is endemic, you will need to show proof of inoculation on arrival. Hepatitis B inoculations are recommended for those children below the age of 12, who have not completed the series of injections as infants. No cases of Ebola virus have been reported in South Africa.

We urge guests to follow a few ‘common sense’ safety tips when exploring our beautiful city

Avoid carrying large sums of cash, or having valuables – including cameras – in plain sight. Be vigilant with your personal belongings, particularly in crowded public spaces, and do not leave belongings unattended.

When drawing money at ATM cash machines, do not allow strangers to assist or distract you in any way.

Be cautious when walking in the city at night, especially alone. If unsure of which areas are safe, ask our hotel staff for advice.

Safe and reliable public transport is limited in Cape Town. Rather ask the hotel concierge to arrange a transfer, or use e-hailing services such as Uber or Bolt.

To report any safety incident, use the following numbers:
• All emergencies from your mobile phone: 112
• All emergencies from a landline: 107
• South African Police Services (SAPS) – 10111

If you wish to explore the Table Mountain National Park, we advise guests to employ a qualified mountain guide to lead the way. Our concierge can assist.

Alternatively, ask about our Sports Buddies program, and a staff member can accompany you on your walk.

If you would rather explore independently be sure to have a detailed mountain map, sun hat, sturdy walking shoes and sufficient water.

Be aware that weather conditions can change rapidly, particularly on the summit of Table Mountain. Keep to formal pathways, and leave sufficient time to return before sunset.

In an emergency, contact Wilderness Search and Rescue by dialling 021 937 0300. Note that there is no charge for wilderness rescue services in South Africa.